There is nothing more frustrating when you are ready to play on the PS5 and you experience technical issues. If you have tested your STEALTH Headset to ensure that it is working correctly, please follow the below instructions to ensure the settings are correct.
Firstly, just ensure your headset has been fully inserted into the controller and double-check the mic’s not been muted via the Volume Control switch found on the cable.
From the PS5 main screen, head into SETTINGS on the top right hand side of the screen near the search icon and your profile.

Next, scroll down the list and head into SOUND

Within the SOUND menu > Microphone > Input device should read ‘Controller Headset’
Microphone status when logged in should read ON
Microphone Status when starting Chat or Broadcast > DON’T CHANGE
Then head into the Adjust Microphone Level section and follow the instructions on the screen to calibrate your mic.
You should be able to see activity on the detection bar as soon as you speak clearly into the mic. Make sure your voice is registering somewhere within the ‘Good’ Range
If it’s not, then try to increase your Microphone Level on the bar beneath preferably to somewhere in the middle or just beyond. Increase it until your voice is clear and bouncing within the ‘Good’ range.
Next, head out of the Microphone section and go down into AUDIO OUTPUT
Output Device should say the same ‘Controller Headset’
The ‘Switch Output Device Automatically’ slider should stay active
Then below this section of the screen, you should see Headphones

Output to Headphones > ALL AUDIO
Once this is done, head over to VOLUME on the left-hand section of the SOUND Menu
Then HEADPHONES > Move the Slider to anywhere between the middle or beyond (not too high or too low, but depending on your preference)
Once all this is complete, the headset and mic should be working as intended.
If not or you wish to make any small changes to your preferences – then please see below shortcut on how to double-check your PS5 settings.
Press the PS button on your PS5 DualSense controller. You’ll tell it’s the right one as it’s the one with the PlayStation logo on it.
You should then be seeing little icons along the bottom of the screen (known as the Quick Menu) – starting with ‘HOME’

Scroll to the little SPEAKER icon to access your SOUND menu shortcut.
Double-check your Output Device comes up as Headset (Controller)
Headphones > Volume is again in the middle or beyond depending on your preference.
Your Voice Chat Balance will always stay in the middle and will be greyed out so you cannot make any changes to this. So, there is no need to worry about this part.
Adjust your Media Volumes accordingly to the middle or beyond as per your own personal audio preference when watching film or music media.
Next, scroll to the MIC icon to adjust your Mic settings.

MIC > Headset (Controller)
MUTE > OFF to ensure your mic’s not been muted
*You’ll also know your mic’s in mute if you press the Mute button on your PS5 controller.

After which you’ll then see a little orange light come up on the controller just below the mute button to notify you. And a notification will also show up on the screen, to notify you your mic’s on mute).*
You also have the ‘Adjust Mic Level’ option here which will take you directly to the Mic Level Adjustment screen to calibrate your mic and mic level volume.
If you scroll once more, you’ll land at the little Controller icon, which is the Accessories shortcut menu.
Here, you’ll be able to quickly double-check your Controller’s battery status (which you’ll see as the 3 little bars if full, or they’ll be moving if you’ve connected a cable to your controller via the USB port to charge)

Once all looks good and as reflected in the guide above on your screens, your headset and mic should be working as intended on your PS5 console. Happy Gaming!