If you’re experiencing an issue with your brand NEW SX-C10X charging battery pack, particularly the SX-C10 X BLK or WHT and you’ve found the batteries getting too hot upon charging or otherwise an issue with the LEDs never turning GREEN or holding any charge, it’s likely because you’ve placed the batteries back into their charging box incorrectly after use.
Please see below guide as to how to correctly place the batteries back into their charging box in order for them to charge properly as intended –
The right way in is inserting the SX-C10X batteries as per below, with the brand name reading downwards as opposed to upwards.
You’ll also be able to confirm this is correct, because in the charging box itself, compartments 1 and 2 as numbered below, also have the ‘-‘ and ‘+’ symbols to guide you when slotting them in and so they should match the symbols on the batteries themselves upon slotting them back into the box.

And then as far as inserting the batteries the correct way into the controllers you have, please see guide below –

It’s a common mistake to try and slot the battery in with the branding as the face of the battery – however this is incorrect. There needs to be polarity according to the ‘-‘ and ‘+’ symbols on both the controller metal pins and the batteries themselves. And once this matches, the battery should be reflecting the image above.
You’ll note that inserting the battery any other way will hinder the controller from powering on.
To prevent any further issues with regards to the batteries getting too hot, please make sure you’re using the XBOX console itself to charge the battery unit as per the product manual and of course ensure to unplug the USB charging cable from the console after the battery LEDs turn solid GREEN to signal FULL charge.
We hope this Support Article helps!